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时间:2016-05-14 11:42:08来源:招生考试网(zsksw.net)作者:招生考试网

托福写作:大学是否应帮学生做好择业准备大学是否应该帮助学生做好择业准备   教育类:   Colleges or universities should offer students a better job preparation before they start working 大学应该帮


  Colleges or universities should offer students a better job preparation before they start working 大学应该帮助学生做好就业准备,在开始工作前?
  1. 专业上:使大学生在专业上训练有素,成为领域的专家,以增强未来择业的竞争优势,满足相关企业的需求。
  2. 心态上:大学教育者应该帮助学生培养良好的择业心态,对自己有清晰的认知,从底层奋斗。
  3. 性格上:大学应该通过组织校园活动或者专门的课程,帮助学生们在性格上成长。例如,受过大学教育者应该变得更加坚强,自信,成熟,善于社交。这些优点可以帮助学生适应择业的挑战。
  1. get a reasonable career = land a good job = secure a decent job with promising future v找到好工作
  2. to acquire the academic qualifications they need to obtain a reasonably well-paid job v获得学历,找到高薪工作
  3. make full preparations for the future career choice = be to well-prepared for hunting for a job v 为未来求职做好重复准备
  4. become well-versed in specialized knowledge v精通专业知识
  点评:be versed in = be adept at = excel in v 精通于……
  5. to excel professionally v专业精通
  6. enhance one’s competitiveness in the future job seeking v 提高未来择业的竞争优势
  7. helps undergraduates foster a good mentality in terms of choosing career v帮助大学生培养良好的择业心态
  点评: in terms of adv 在……方面
  点评:undergraduates 大学在校生(未毕业)
  8. to struggle from the bottom of the society v 从社会底层奋斗
  9. make sb become tenacious,confident and mature v 使学生们变得坚强,自信,成熟
  拓展:tenacious = strong-minded adj 坚强的
  10. to be good at associating and communicating with others v善于和他人交往交流
  11. adapt themselves to the future career challenges yet not come v 使自己适应没有到来的事业挑战
  12. job-related knowledge n 和择业相关的知识
  13. career-oriented skills n 以择业为导向的技能
  14. Most school leavers attend universities in order to acquire competitive diplomas so that their career prospects can be enhanced. 很多高中毕业生,上大学就是为了获得有竞争力的学位,以拥抱美好未来。
  15. get a clear perspective of oneself v 对于自己有清晰的认知

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tags: 托福写作   大学是否应帮学生做好择业准备


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