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时间:2016-02-23 10:59:41来源:招生考试网(zsksw.net)作者:招生考试网
2016小升初英语模拟题答案一、找出画线部分读音不同的单词,并把标号填入题前括号内。(5分)  ( ) 1. A. banana B. cap C. glass D. father  ( ) 2. A. happy B. any C. hurry D. yellow  ( ) 3. A. much B



  ( ) 1. A. banana B. cap C. glass D. father

  ( ) 2. A. happy B. any C. hurry D. yellow

  ( ) 3. A. much B. bus C. mug D. ruler

  ( ) 4. A. seat B. see C. the D. evening

  ( ) 5. A. pen B. great C. desk D. leg



  (1)long (反义词)_________ (2)hare(同音词)_____________

  (3)white (反义词)________ (4)they are (缩略形式)_______________

  (5)fat (反义词)________


  (1)Sit down, please. ___________ (2)a red flag ____________

  (3)How are you? _______________ (4)一只蓝色的鸟___________

  (5)请打开窗户 ________________



  (1) My name ______(be)Li Dong. I _______(be)twelve.

  (2) ________(be) you her friend?

  (3) Peter and Jack _______ (be) classmates.

  (4) There _______ (be) many goats on the grassland.


  ( ) (1) Five and seven ________ twelve.

  A. be B. are C. is D. am

  ( ) (2) -- ______ is your toy car?

  -- It’s on the desk.

  A. Who B. What C. How D. Where

  ( ) (3) -- ______, please?

  -- It’s eight o’clock.

  A. What’s this B. What is the time

  C. What’s your name D. What about it

  ( ) (4) Mike is not at _______ school.

  A. a B. an C. the D. /

  ( ) (5) – What’s six _____ three?

  -- It’s nine.

  A. but B. and C. or D. for

  fridge 停放 dangerous 吸烟

  medicine 楼上 smoke 吐,吐痰

  upstairs 冰箱 spit 访问者

  park 药 visitor 中心

  touch 触摸 centre 危险的


  1. the, have, take, good, a, medicine, and, rest(.)


  2. to, Zhongshan Park, get, I, can, how(?)


  3. help, me, my, could, lesson, you, with(?)


  4. yesterday, where, they, did, go(?)


  5. came, at, to, we, last, school, night, nine(.)



  In George’s __1__ there are thirty __2__. There is a clock __3__ the wall. The clock is __4__. There are __5__ student, 18 boys and __6__ girls. __7__ is their teacher. She is a good teacher. She is a good teacher. Look __8__ here! George is near the __9__. He is cleaning __10__.

  ( ) 1. A. room B. bedroom C. washroom D. classroom

  ( ) 2. A. desk and chair B. desks and chairs

  C. desks and chair D. desk and chairs

  ( ) 3. A. on B. in C. at D. of

  ( ) 4. A. well B. same C. old D. much

  ( ) 5. A. 30 B. 40 C. 50 D. 60

  ( ) 6. A. 12 B. 22 C. 32 D. 42

  ( ) 7. A. Mr Wang B. Miss Wang C. Teacher Wang D. Wang Teacher

  ( ) 8. A. at B. in C. to D. /

  ( ) 9. A. door B. brooms C. school D. flowers

  ( )10. A. it B. them C. that D. those


  1. Mr and Mrs Brown live in Beijing with their_________.

  2. Mr Brown works in a bookshop. The shop opens at 9:00 a.m. and ________ at 6:00 p.m.

  3. Mrs Brown stays at home. She does all the _________

  4. They have two children. One is a boy, the other is a _____. They are at _____.



  An old woman is going shopping with a basket. She is going by bout. The boat is going across(穿过) the river. Her basket is e__1____ now. Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the w__2_____. “Help! My basket is in the river.”

  A boy sees the basket. He says, “Don’t worry! I can g__3___ it!” He takes off his shirt and shoes. “Look a ___4____ them for me, please!” he says, and j__5___ into the river.

  A duck sees the basket. “I can go by b__6___,” it thinks. It gets into the basket. The boy is swimming in the river. “Where’s the basket?” He asks. “It’s over there!” answers the woman. “It’s behind you! It’s under that d__7___.” The boy gets to the basket. “Go away!” he says to the duck. The duck comes o__8___ of the basket and swims away. The b__9____ takes the basket back to the woman. “Oh, thank you very much,” says the woman.

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