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时间:2015-05-12 10:53:55来源:招生考试网(zsksw.net)作者:招生考试网

2016年综合类职称英语备考练习:阅读判断 Across the Deserts The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world.It stretches across Africa from Senegal to Egypt.The Sahara Desert is an unfriendl

Across the Deserts 
The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world.It stretches across Africa from Senegal to Egypt.The Sahara Desert is an unfriendly environment.During the day it's very hot,and at night it's sometimes very cold.It is also difficult to find water in the Sahara. 
In 2006,Kevin Lin,Ray Zahab,and Charlie Engle decided to do something very difficult.They made the decision to run across the Sahara Desert 4,300 miles (6,920km).It seemed impossible to do,but they wanted to try.The three men liked to test themselves,and this would be a very big test. 
On the morning of November 2,Kevin,Ray,and Charlie started their trip across the Sahara.Every morning they began running at 5:00.At11 a.m.they stopped and rested until 5 p.m.Then they ran again until 9:30 in the evening.Each day they ran about 40 miles (64 km).Every day it was the same thing.They got up and ran.They listened to music on their iPods,and they ran and ran. 
Kevin,Ray,and Charlie needed to eat a lot of food during their trip.Most people need about 2,000 calories of food each day.Kevin,Ray,and Charlie needed between 6,000 and 9,000 calories every day.That's a lot of food! They also needed to drink a lot of water. 
The three men had some problems on their trip,and many times they wanted to quit and go home.It was often very hot (140°F/60°C) during the day,and the heat made them sick.Their legs and feet hurt.Sometimes it was very windy,and they couldn't see.One time they got lost.But they didn't quit.After 111 days,Kevin,Ray; and Charlie successfully finished their trip across the Sahara Desert.They hugged each other and put their hands in the water of the Red Sea.Then they ran to a hotel to take a long shower. 
1.It's not always hot m the Sahara Desert. 
A.Right B.Wrong C.mentioned 
2.Each day the men ran for approximately eight hours. 
A.Right B.Wrong C.mentioned 
3.In the middle of the day: the men usually stopped running. 
A.Right B.Wrong C.mentioned 
4.They sometimes felt sick because it was so hot. 
A.Right B.Wrong C.mentioned 
5.Sometimes they couldn't see the road because it was windy. 
A.Right B.Wrong C.mentioned 
6.Luckily,they never got lost. 
A.Right B.Wrong C.mentioned 
7.On their trip across the desert: the three men ran through five countries. 
A.Right B.Wrong C.mentioned 
1.A 文中提到撒哈拉沙漠白天很热晚上有时很冷,所以不是总是很热。题干表述正确。 
2.B 文中提到三人每天从早上5点开始跑一直到上午11点,又从下午5点开始跑到晚上9点半,所以总共跑10.5个小时。题干表述不正确。 
3.A 文中讲到三人上午11点停下来休息一直到下午5点再继续跑,所以在一天的中午,他们停止跑步。题干表述正确。 
4.A 原文中讲到高温使他们生病。所以题干表述正确。 
5.A 文中提到有时刮起大风导致他们什么也看不到,所以他们会因为起风而看不到路。题干表述正确。 
6.B 文中最后一段讲到他们有一次迷路了,所以不是从来没有迷路。题干表述不正确。 
7.C 文中只提到他们挎越沙漠的长度,并没有提到穿过几个国家。所以,题干表述文中没有提到。 

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tags: 2016年综合类职称英语备考练习   阅读判断(3)


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