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时间:2016-05-04 16:26:14来源:招生考试网(zsksw.net)作者:招生考试网

2015年4月英语六级考试改错Traditionally, the American farmer has always been   independent and hard-working. In the eighteenth century farmers   were quite self-sufficient. The farm family gre


Traditionally, the American farmer has always been
  independent and hard-working. In the eighteenth century farmers
  were quite self-sufficient. The farm family grew and made almost
  nothing it needed. The surplus crop would be sold to buy a new --71.
  items in the local general store.
  In 1860, because some of the farm population had moved to --72.
  the city, yet eighty percent of the American population was still in
  the country. In the late nineteen century, farm work and life --73.
  were not much changed from that they had been in old days. The --74.
  farmer aroused at dawn or before and had much work to do, with --75.
  his own muscles like his chief source of power. He used axes, --76.
  spades and other complicated tools. In his house cooking was done --77.
  in wood-burning stoves, and the kerosene lamp was the only
  improvement on the candle. The family's recreation and social life
  chiefly consisted a drive in the wagon to the nearby small town or --78.
  village to transact some business as well as to chat with neighbors
  who had also come to town.
  The children attended a small elementary school (often of
  just one room) to that they had to walk every day, possibly for a --79.
  few miles. The school term was short so that the children could
  not help on the farm. Although the whole family worked, and life --80.
  was not easy, farmers as a class were self-reliant and independent.
  71. nothing --- everything
  72. because --- although
  73. nineteen --- nineteenth
  74. that --- what
  75. aroused --- rose/got up
  76. like --- as
  77. complicated --- simple
  78. consisted后加 of
  79. that --- which
  80. and --- /

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tags: 2015年4月英语六级考试改错


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